Thursday, September 11, 2008

Trying Something New - Curry

While sitting at the hair salon, waiting on my highlights to set, I stumbled across an intriguing recipe in a random RealSimple magazine: Curried Rice and Shrimp. One of the greatest things about it was that I already had all the ingredients except the curry. Call me a sheltered small town plains girl, but I've never smelled or tasted something and had someone say 'hey, that's curry'. I didn't know what to expect either, because I've heard bad things about curry, that it smells strong, it's hard to get the smell out of your house, etc. Undaunted, I trucked it down to Target with my wet head (because I'm too cheap to pay for a style, and hey, it was almost 9:00pm) and picked up a bottle of curry in the spice aisle. Since there were about five curries to choose from, I bought the simplest one. All voyages should start at the beginning, right?

The next night when I prepared this dish, I was blown away (in a great way) by the cumin/cinnamon/nutmeg smell of it. And it made the rice such a gorgeous yellow color previously unproduced in my kitchen! So here is where this post gets interesting. I have beautiful pictures of this tasty recipe, but I've decided to wait...because I think I can beat RealSimple at it's own game! I have a couple of changes I plan to make and I'm really excited to try again! Expect to see a lot more curry use on this blog, folks. I have found a new style of cuisine.

On another note, I found a new blog and it's not only eating all my free time, but simultaneously gives me both smiles and tears. Now that's an emotion, isn't it? It's called matt, liz and madeline and as of this morning, I've only read his posts through the middle of June but I am addicted. Matt's story is poignant, his writing is beautiful, and his honesty is inspiring. I also love his fascination with robots.


  1. One of my fav dishes is chicken must find a recipe and try this die for! : )

  2. Curry is fabulous! Did you use a paste or powder?

  3. Curry powder is fine and definitely more universal (can control the amount, etc), but for quick curries, it's nice to have some paste on hand.

  4. I wholeheartedly say go visit matt, liz, and madeline. I have been reading since early June and it breaks my heart and inspires me all at the same time.

  5. Welcome to curry! I love everything about it. Try adding it too your favorite chicken salad recipe or mixing with crushed cornflakes crumbs for a yummy baked chicken coating. Make sure you share that curry recipe you're working on.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Every Friday I have a Chocoholic's Anonymous post, hope you'll enjoy.
